Employment Law for Employers​

Employment Law for Employers

We offer a range of solutions-focused services for businesses aimed at helping them to not only navigate the tricky world of employment law, but also to futureproof their livelihood.

Take a look at some of our primary services for employers below.

Employment Lawyer in Your Corner

Many of the employers who we work with are simply trying to do the best they can.

They perceive employment law as a “minefield” and something quite draining, but they want to do the right thing without limiting their ability to develop their business and allow it to fulfil its true potential.

They also usually don’t have the money for their own in-house employment lawyer and that’s where we come in.

We work with employer clients in a way that works for them, but on a more cost-effective basis than employing someone full-time.

They might want to sign up to a retainer with us or they might simply want to have us on standby for ad hoc assistance when the going is starting to get tough.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can be your in-house employment lawyer without the associated hiring costs!

Employment contracts

Whether you’re starting your business and making your first hire (fantastic news by the way), or you’re wanting a review of what you’ve already got in place, we can help you.

We spend time ensuring that your employment contracts not only work for you legally, but also reflect what’s happening on the ground.

Our aim is also to prevent you from having to come and see us so frequently to have them updated, because we’re as interested in futureproofing your business as you are.

Self-employed contracts

You might not be at the stage of employing staff or it might not be on your radar to employ them at all.

Instead, you might be seeking to work with people on a self-employed basis.

This is another of our specialist areas, as we do a deep dive with you to ensure that the contract that you are providing to the self-employed contractors who you work with keeps you out of legal hot water, whilst also reflecting what your business needs are and what happens on a day-to-day basis in your business.

Staff handbooks

The rules and procedures that you apply to your staff should be easy for you and them to understand, but also offer you genuine legal protection.

We can explore what works and what doesn’t with you, so that you’re not only ticking a legal box, but putting things in place that actually work for and reflect your business, its needs and the needs of your staff.

Workplace investigations

We’re experienced in performing investigations relating to grievance and disciplinary matters, which involves working alongside you and your member of staff, as well as third parties such as local authorities and the police, in an unbiased and fair way that gets to the heart of the matter.

For this, we attend the relevant grievance or disciplinary meetings, hold interviews with those involved to understand the issues and get to the heart of the matter, and produce a report.

We aim to offer this on a fixed fee basis to give you certainty over the costs.

Settlement agreements

Occasionally referred to as “compromise agreements”, employment-related settlement agreements are designed to safeguard your business against the possibility of legal claims from employees who are leaving you, whether that is because something has happened or because you simply want to be safe, rather than sorry.

Settlement agreements and how they are drafted are increasingly being challenged in the courts, so the days when employers felt that they could simply use a single template are coming to an end (if they ever existed at all).

We bespoke each settlement agreement to your business, its needs and the specific circumstances with the employee who is leaving you so that you have actual legal protection, rather than a convincing-looking but ineffective piece of paper.

Transferring employees

You might be arranging to sell your business or to outsource a service that you provide so that a new provider provides it.  You might even be bringing a service that you previously outsourced back in-house.

Alternatively, you might be taking on someone else’s employees because you are buying their business or because a service is being outsourced to you.

We have experience in these matters, including advising you on the tactical approaches to ensure that you get what you need whilst still meeting your legal duties.
